Commuter Bible

1 Peter 1-5, Psalms 128-130

Episode Summary

The apostle whom Jesus named “Peter,” the rock upon whom Jesus would build his church, is now writing to encourage the churches who are scattered across northern Asia Minor. The churches were suffering under persecution from those who lived around them, and Peter reminds them of the Savior whom they are called to follow, for he suffered for our sins once and for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us God. It follows, then, that as strangers and exiles, we should be willing to be subject to those human authorities who have been placed over us by God.

Episode Notes

Chapter markers:

The apostle whom Jesus named “Peter,” the rock upon whom Jesus would build his church, is now writing to encourage the churches who are scattered across northern Asia Minor. The churches were suffering under persecution from those who lived around them, and Peter reminds them of the Savior whom they are called to follow, for he suffered for our sins once and for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us God. It follows, then, that as strangers and exiles, we should be willing to be subject to those human authorities who have been placed over us by God. 


Christian Standard Bible translation.

All music written and produced by John Burgess Ross.

Co-produced by Bobby Brown, Eric Williamson & the Christian Standard Bible