The future looks bleak for the people of God. With the king’s signet ring in hand, Haman has devised a scheme to wipe out God’s people, whom he hates because of his hatred for Mordecai. It seems that the only hope for God’s people rests with Queen Esther, a young woman who has become fully enveloped into Persian culture. Today, Esther continues on her patient quest to woo King Ahaseurus into a hearing her case against Haman. Before today’s episode ends, Haman’s wrath will return on his head through both humiliation and execution, and God’s people will celebrate a day of great blessing and favor even in the midst of exile.
Esther 6 - 1:12 .
Esther 7 - 4:35 .
Esther 8 - 7:51 .
Esther 9 - 12:23 .
Esther 10 - 19:47 .
Isaiah 24 - 20:42 .
The future looks bleak for the people of God. With the king’s signet ring in hand, Haman has devised a scheme to wipe out God’s people, whom he hates because of his hatred for Mordecai. It seems that the only hope for God’s people rests with Queen Esther, a young woman who has become fully enveloped into Persian culture. Today, Esther continues on her patient quest to woo King Ahaseurus into a hearing her case against Haman. Before today’s episode ends, Haman’s wrath will return on his head through both humiliation and execution, and God’s people will celebrate a day of great blessing and favor even in the midst of exile.
Christian Standard Bible translation.
All music written and produced by John Burgess Ross.
Co-produced by Bobby Brown, Katelyn Rahn, Eric Williamson & the Christian Standard Bible