This is the beginning of the book of Exodus, a pivotal story in the history of Israel. Throughout Scripture, Israel is often reminded that God is the one who led His people out of bondage and out of Egypt; it’s a way to point to His power, His kindness, and His covenant faithfulness to fulfill His promises. We meet Moses, the lowly Hebrew who is rescued from destruction, raised in pharaoh’s house, grows up only to kill another man, and flee town. When given instructions from the Lord, He cowers and makes excuses. This is not exactly the kind of guy we might choose to deliver a nation from oppression, but that’s kind of the point. God regularly uses weak and sinful people to show His power and divine authority.
Exodus 1 - 1:13 .
Exodus 2 – 4:28 .
Exodus 3 – 8:44 .
Exodus 4 – 13:49 .
Exodus 5 – 20:10 .
Exodus 6 – 25:03 .
Psalm 23 – 27:23 .
This is the beginning of the book of Exodus, a pivotal story in the history of Israel. Throughout Scripture, Israel is often reminded that God is the one who led His people out of bondage and out of Egypt; it’s a way to point to His power, His kindness, and His covenant faithfulness to fulfill His promises. We meet Moses, the lowly Hebrew who is rescued from destruction, raised in pharaoh’s house, grows up only to kill another man, and flee town. When given instructions from the Lord, He cowers and makes excuses. This is not exactly the kind of guy we might choose to deliver a nation from oppression, but that’s kind of the point. God regularly uses weak and sinful people to show His power and divine authority.
Christian Standard Bible translation.
All music written and produced by John Burgess Ross.
Co-produced by Bobby Brown, Eric Williamson, and the Christian Standard Bible.