By the end of our reading Moses will have spent 40 days on Mt. Sinai, and in that amount of time, the Israelites will have given up on Moses and on the Lord. Not long beforehand, the nation of Israel had promised that they would do all that the Lord had commanded, but in short order, they turn away from God. They instead turn to Aaron, who caves to the crowd’s demands, making them a golden calf for them to worship. The Lord’s anger burns against Israel, but Moses steps in as a redeemer for his people, interceding on their behalf. Before we get to that part of the narrative, we first return where we left off as God gives further instruction about worship in the tabernacle.
Exodus 29 – 1:15 .
Exodus 30 – 9:39 .
Exodus 31 – 16:39 .
Exodus 32 – 19:30 .
Proverbs 6 – 27:52 .
By the end of our reading Moses will have spent 40 days on Mt. Sinai, and in that amount of time, the Israelites will have given up on Moses and on the Lord. Not long beforehand, the nation of Israel had promised that they would do all that the Lord had commanded, but in short order, they turn away from God. They instead turn to Aaron, who caves to the crowd’s demands, making them a golden calf for them to worship. The Lord’s anger burns against Israel, but Moses steps in as a redeemer for his people, interceding on their behalf. Before we get to that part of the narrative, we first return where we left off as God gives further instruction about worship in the tabernacle.
Christian Standard Bible translation.
All music written and produced by John Burgess Ross.
Co-produced by Bobby Brown, Eric Williamson, and the Christian Standard Bible.