Commuter Bible

Exodus 6:14-10:29, Proverbs 1

Episode Summary

Today we begin to examine the ten plagues sent upon Egypt that testify to the power of the great I AM. It has been suggested that each plague is designed to show pharaoh, and all of Egypt along with him, that their gods are no match for the God of Israel, systematically robbing them of any power they claimed to have. When Pharaoh refuses to let Israel go into the wilderness to worship the Lord, God sends plagues of blood, frogs, gnats, boils, and darkness, but the king of Egypt will not back down. While he is bested by God Almighty over and over again, and His own people beg him to relent of his stubborn opposition, Pharaoh’s heart remains hardened.

Episode Notes

Exodus 7 – 3:40 . 

Exodus 8 – 8:46 . 

Exodus 9 – 14:46 . 

Exodus 10 – 21:21 . 

Proverbs 1 – 27:30 . 

Today we begin to examine the ten plagues sent upon Egypt that testify to the power of the great I AM. It has been suggested that each plague is designed to show pharaoh, and all of Egypt along with him, that their gods are no match for the God of Israel, systematically robbing them of any power they claimed to have. When Pharaoh refuses to let Israel go into the wilderness to worship the Lord, God sends plagues of blood, frogs, gnats, boils, and darkness, but the king of Egypt will not back down. While he is bested by God Almighty over and over again, and His own people beg him to relent of his stubborn opposition, Pharaoh’s heart remains hardened.


Christian Standard Bible translation.

All music written and produced by John Burgess Ross.

Co-produced by Bobby Brown, Eric Williamson, and the Christian Standard Bible.