Commuter Bible

Genesis 38-41, Psalms 13-14

Episode Summary

When Joseph is sold into slavery it seems that he has lost it all, except that Joseph has not lost what is most important: he hasn’t lost God’s divine and unmerited favor. Through Joseph, God divinely orchestrates the salvation of His people, sustaining the entire country of Egypt as well as the surrounding nations during a period of severe drought. His circumstances seem devastating in the short term, but once God’s plan becomes clear, the Scriptures say that Joseph forgets his former trouble. As we’re told in Romans 8:28 “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.”

Episode Notes

Chapter markers:

When Joseph is sold into slavery it seems that he has lost it all, except that Joseph has not lost what is most important: he hasn’t lost God’s divine and unmerited favor. Through Joseph, God divinely orchestrates the salvation of His people, sustaining the entire country of Egypt as well as the surrounding nations during a period of severe drought. His circumstances seem devastating in the short term, but once God’s plan becomes clear, the Scriptures say that Joseph forgets his former trouble. As we’re told in Romans 8:28 “We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose.”