The gospel according to Luke is the longest book in the New Testament, and according to his own prelude, it’s an orderly collection of eye-witness accounts from the life and ministry of Jesus. He begins by recounting the events surrounding the birth of John the Baptist who would prepare the way for the coming Son of David. While John’s conception and birth are miraculous and recall the promises made to Abraham and Sarah, the birth of Jesus is greater still. His humble birth is cause for celebration and continued awe & wonder. Later, we’ll begin the book Ecclesiastes, a meditation on the futility of seeking fulfillment in life apart from God.
Luke 1 - 1:12 .
Luke 2 - 12:58 .
Ecclesiastes 1 - 21:41 .
The gospel according to Luke is the longest book in the New Testament, and according to his own prelude, it’s an orderly collection of eye-witness accounts from the life and ministry of Jesus. He begins by recounting the events surrounding the birth of John the Baptist who would prepare the way for the coming Son of David. While John’s conception and birth are miraculous and recall the promises made to Abraham and Sarah, the birth of Jesus is greater still. His humble birth is cause for celebration and continued awe & wonder. Later, we’ll begin the book Ecclesiastes, a meditation on the futility of seeking fulfillment in life apart from God.
Christian Standard Bible translation.
All music written and produced by John Burgess Ross.
Co-produced by Bobby Brown, Katelyn Rahn, Eric Williamson, and the Christian Standard Bible.